  1. 6:00 amHathaAustralian School of Meditation & YogaMermaid Beach1h
    { first: 'Darlene', last: '' }
    6:00 am Hatha for 1h with Darlene at Australian School of Meditation & Yoga (Mermaid Beach)

    Grounding Hatha - A slower static practice.

  2. 6:00 amZen Central Yoga StudioWest End1h
    { first: 'Carina', last: 'Aloni' }
    6:00 am for 1h with Carina Aloni at Zen Central Yoga Studio (West End)
  3. 6:00 am--Power Living Australia YogaNeutral Bay1h
    Power Living Australia Yoga
    6:00 am for 1h at Power Living Australia Yoga (Neutral Bay)

    Power Vinyasa

  4. 6:00 amAshtangayoga studioBondi Junction2h
    yoga studio
    6:00 am Ashtanga for 2h at yoga studio (Bondi Junction)


  5. 6:00 amYoga DNA OxenfordOxenford1h
    Yoga DNA Oxenford
    6:00 am for 1h at Yoga DNA Oxenford (Oxenford)
  6. 6:00 amBeginnersYoga in Daily Life - BrisbaneNewstead1h
    Yoga in Daily Life - Brisbane
    6:00 am Beginners for 1h at Yoga in Daily Life - Brisbane (Newstead)

    An early morning practice is much more beneficial than practising at any other time of the day. Start the day with asanas suitable for all.

  7. 6:15 amYoga DNA OxenfordOxenford1h
    Yoga DNA Oxenford
    6:15 am for 1h at Yoga DNA Oxenford (Oxenford)
  8. 6:15 amIyengarCentral Yoga SchoolSurry Hills1h 30m
    { last: 'Hasemer', first: 'James' }
    6:15 am Iyengar for 1h 30m with James Hasemer at Central Yoga School (Surry Hills)

    Experienced (Level 2/3) Class: long term regular students, walk ins accepted.

  9. 6:15 amVinyasaYogareal Yoga Studio - Albert ParkAlbert Park1h 15m
    { first: 'Yogareal ', last: 'Teacher' }
    6:15 am Vinyasa for 1h 15m with Yogareal Teacher at Yogareal Yoga Studio - Albert Park (Albert Park)

    Yogareal Holistic Vinyasa Yoga

  10. 6:15 amVinyasaBotannix Yoga StudioBotany1h
    { first: 'Rachel ', last: 'Mason' }
    6:15 am Vinyasa for 1h with Rachel Mason at Botannix Yoga Studio (Botany)
  11. 6:15 amVinyasaCanberra Yoga SpacePhillip1h
    { first: 'CYS', last: 'Teachers' }
    6:15 am Vinyasa for 1h with CYS Teachers at Canberra Yoga Space (Phillip)
  12. 6:30 amKundaliniKundalini HouseFitzroy North1h 15m
    { first: 'Onkartej', last: 'Kaur' }
    6:30 am Kundalini for 1h 15m with Onkartej Kaur at Kundalini House (Fitzroy North)

    Casual Yoga class

  13. 6:30 amSynergyYoga Spirit StudiosTorrensville1h
    { first: 'Vani', last: 'Shukla' }
    6:30 am Synergy for 1h with Vani Shukla at Yoga Spirit Studios (Torrensville)

    sunrise energy

  14. 6:30 amHathaArt of YogaHurlstone Park1h 45m
    Art of Yoga
    6:30 am Hatha for 1h 45m at Art of Yoga (Hurlstone Park)

    Level 2

  15. 6:30 amIyengarYogavillePreston1h 30m
    6:30 am Iyengar for 1h 30m at Yogaville (Preston)

    10 week course / casual Level 1 & Level 2

  16. 6:30 amDynamicSheoak YogaAdelaide1h 30m
    { last: 'Henwood', first: 'Robyn' }
    6:30 am Dynamic for 1h 30m with Robyn Henwood at Sheoak Yoga (Adelaide)

    ZOOM CLASS ONLY 5 week blocks book for next block starts July 23rd July . Yoga experience essential to attend this class

  17. 6:45 amIronside YogaSt Lucia1h
    { first: 'Trina', last: 'Robbie' }
    6:45 am for 1h with Trina Robbie at Ironside Yoga (St Lucia)

    Active yoga suitable for beginners and experienced yoga students. Modifications and props are provided to aid accessibility.

  18. 7:00 amAshtangaAshtanga Yoga Shala Byron BayByron Bay2h
    { last: '', first: 'Dena' }
    7:00 am Ashtanga for 2h with Dena at Ashtanga Yoga Shala Byron Bay (Byron Bay)

    Mysore style

  19. 7:15 amPilatesYogalates - Fusion of Yoga & PilatesBangalow1h
    Yogalates - Fusion of Yoga & Pilates
    7:15 am Pilates for 1h at Yogalates - Fusion of Yoga & Pilates (Bangalow)

    Pilates mat targeting major core muscles for strengthening and posture enhancement. Core balls, resistance band & weights are used frequently in this class

  20. 7:30 amHathaAustralian School of Meditation & YogaMermaid Beach1h
    { first: 'Darlene', last: '' }
    7:30 am Hatha for 1h with Darlene at Australian School of Meditation & Yoga (Mermaid Beach)

    Grounding Hatha - A slower static practice. Contains sun salutations

  21. 7:30 am--Power Living Australia YogaNeutral Bay1h
    Power Living Australia Yoga
    7:30 am for 1h at Power Living Australia Yoga (Neutral Bay)

    Power Align- Not BONDI

  22. 8:15 amKids-YogaKids Yoga Melbourne - YogaFunMelbourne 45m
    Kids Yoga Melbourne - YogaFun
    8:15 am Kids-Yoga for 45m at Kids Yoga Melbourne - YogaFun (Melbourne)
  23. 9:00 amInner Child YogaCoogee8h
    Inner Child Yoga
    9:00 am for 8h with Inner Child Yoga

    9am - 3pm Early Childhood & School programs at childcare centres & primary schools 3.30pm - 6pm After school programs at Out Of School Hours centres

  24. 9:00 amYin YogaWhispers of WellnessRichlands1h
    { last: '', first: 'Alice' }
    9:00 am Yin Yoga for 1h with Alice at Whispers of Wellness (Richlands)

    Yin Yoga

  25. 9:15 amIntegralNivedita SaraswatiKilliecrankie1h 15m
    { last: 'Saraswati', first: 'Nivedita' }
    9:15 am Integral for 1h 15m with Nivedita Saraswati at Nivedita Saraswati (Killiecrankie)

    Progressive, for those who have completed at least one beginners course

  26. 9:30 amIyengarNeutral Bay Iyengar Yoga CentreNeutral Bay1h 30m
    Neutral Bay Iyengar Yoga Centre
    9:30 am Iyengar for 1h 30m at Neutral Bay Iyengar Yoga Centre (Neutral Bay)

    Level two

  27. 9:30 amIyengarBody Yoga BerwickBerwick1h 15m
    Body Yoga Berwick
    9:30 am Iyengar for 1h 15m at Body Yoga Berwick (Berwick)

    Alignment Based

  28. 9:30 amBeginnersYoga in Daily Life SydneyMerrylands1h 30m
    { first: 'Madhu', last: '' }
    9:30 am Beginners for 1h 30m with Madhu at Yoga in Daily Life Sydney (Merrylands)

    $10 Concession for seniors, students & concession card holders Sarva Hitta Asanas - postures good for all .

  29. 9:30 amSeniors YogaYoga in Daily Life - BrisbaneNewstead1h 15m
    Yoga in Daily Life - Brisbane
    9:30 am Seniors Yoga for 1h 15m at Yoga in Daily Life - Brisbane (Newstead)

    Yoga is a perfect solution for seniors who would like to keep vitality and good health. Our gentle exercises are suitable for all.

  30. 9:30 amDruCanberra Yoga CentrePearce1h 30m
    { last: 'Stewart', first: 'Jan-Maree' }
    9:30 am Dru for 1h 30m with Jan-Maree Stewart at Canberra Yoga Centre (Pearce)

    10 weeks

  31. 9:30 amYogalatesYogalates - Fusion of Yoga & PilatesBangalow1h 30m
    Yogalates - Fusion of Yoga & Pilates
    9:30 am Yogalates for 1h 30m at Yogalates - Fusion of Yoga & Pilates (Bangalow)

    Yogalates - Bangalow

  32. 9:30 amYogaMudita Yoga StudioCHELTENHAM1h
    { first: 'Collin', last: 'Mackensie Poole' }
    9:30 am Yoga for 1h with Collin Mackensie Poole at Mudita Yoga Studio (CHELTENHAM)

    In a Slow flow class you will be guided through each asana slowly and mindfully. Feel strong, calm, balanced & grounded, peaceful, tranquil and happy.

  33. 9:30 amYin YogaBotannix Yoga StudioBotany1h 15m
    { first: 'Anne', last: 'Stringer' }
    9:30 am Yin Yoga for 1h 15m with Anne Stringer at Botannix Yoga Studio (Botany)

    A grounding, releasing and medicinal practice, focusing on developing a mindful self-awareness through stillness and longer holds of poses.

  34. 9:30 amPower YogaPower Living Australia YogaNeutral Bay1h 15m
    Power Living Australia Yoga
    9:30 am Power Yoga for 1h 15m at Power Living Australia Yoga (Neutral Bay)

    Power Vinyasa- Not MANLY

  35. 9:30 amHot YogaHOT YOGA OXENFORD1h
    { first: 'Jacqui', last: 'Colli' }
    9:30 am Hot Yoga for 1h with Jacqui Colli at HOT YOGA OXENFORD ()

    Vinyasa Flow

  36. 9:30 amHathaKundalini HouseFitzroy North1h 15m
    Kundalini House
    9:30 am Hatha for 1h 15m at Kundalini House (Fitzroy North)

    Hatha Flow Yoga casual class

  37. 10:00 amHathaYoga Spirit StudiosTorrensville1h 15m
    { first: 'Vani', last: 'Shukla' }
    10:00 am Hatha for 1h 15m with Vani Shukla at Yoga Spirit Studios (Torrensville)

    level 1

  38. 10:00 amHathaLesleigh's Yoga ClassesToowoomba1h 30m
    { last: 'Camm', first: 'Lesleigh ' }
    10:00 am Hatha for 1h 30m with Lesleigh Camm at Lesleigh's Yoga Classes (Toowoomba)

    Bookings Only

  39. 10:00 amAshtangaAshtanga Yoga Shala Byron BayByron Bay2h
    { last: '', first: 'Jack' }
    10:00 am Ashtanga for 2h with Jack at Ashtanga Yoga Shala Byron Bay (Byron Bay)
  40. 10:00 amIyengarYoga To Go StudioPetersham1h
    Yoga To Go Studio
    10:00 am Iyengar for 1h at Yoga To Go Studio (Petersham)

    Beginner Casual $15

  41. 10:00 amSeniors YogaHatha Yoga with Maria SteinerEastern Heights1h
    { first: 'Maria (Prema) ', last: 'Steiner' }
    10:00 am Seniors Yoga for 1h with Maria (Prema) Steiner at Hatha Yoga with Maria Steiner (Eastern Heights)

    Senior's Yoga class.. Exercises on the chair, Standing, and the mat. Balance and Stretching.

    enior's Yoga class..

  42. 10:00 amRestorativeVictorian Institute of Yoga Education & Teacher TrainingHampton1h 30m
    Victorian Institute of Yoga Education & Teacher Training
    10:00 am Restorative for 1h 30m at Victorian Institute of Yoga Education & Teacher Training (Hampton)


  43. 10:15 amGentleWhispers of WellnessRichlands1h
    { last: '', first: 'Alice' }
    10:15 am Gentle for 1h with Alice at Whispers of Wellness (Richlands)

    Gentle Yoga

  44. 10:30 amYoga TherapyKundalini Yoga TherapySydney1h
    Kundalini Yoga Therapy
    10:30 am Yoga Therapy for 1h with Kundalini Yoga Therapy

    yoga meditation & deep relaxation for people recovering from illness: boost immune system, balance glandular system, create vitality & calm. Classes in progress

  45. 10:30 amHathaSouthern Yoga and Health CentreMoorabbin1h 30m
    { first: 'Christine', last: 'Homer' }
    10:30 am Hatha for 1h 30m with Christine Homer at Southern Yoga and Health Centre (Moorabbin)

    A slow class that starts with deep relaxation and breathing practices, followed by posture work, then either meditation or philosophy, and deep relaxation.

  46. 11:00 amPrenatalKundalini HouseFitzroy North1h 15m
    { first: 'Melisa ', last: 'Chabierski' }
    11:00 am Prenatal for 1h 15m with Melisa Chabierski at Kundalini House (Fitzroy North)

    Casual Prental Yoga class

  47. 11:30 amSeniors YogaYoga To Go StudioPetersham1h
    Yoga To Go Studio
    11:30 am Seniors Yoga for 1h at Yoga To Go Studio (Petersham)

    Yoga for Seniors 60+ $7 Casual

  48. 12:00 pmFlowBotannix Yoga StudioBotany1h
    { first: 'Anne', last: 'Stringer' }
    12:00 pm Flow for 1h with Anne Stringer at Botannix Yoga Studio (Botany)
  49. 12:00 pmYin YogaCanberra Yoga SpacePhillip1h
    { first: 'CYS', last: 'Teachers' }
    12:00 pm Yin Yoga for 1h with CYS Teachers at Canberra Yoga Space (Phillip)

    Yin (Restorative) Yoga

  50. 12:15 pmKids-YogaKids Yoga Melbourne - YogaFunMelbourne1h
    Kids Yoga Melbourne - YogaFun
    12:15 pm Kids-Yoga for 1h at Kids Yoga Melbourne - YogaFun (Melbourne)
  51. 12:15 pmMeditationSouthern Yoga and Health CentreMoorabbin1h
    { first: 'Christine', last: 'Homer' }
    12:15 pm Meditation for 1h with Christine Homer at Southern Yoga and Health Centre (Moorabbin)

    Simple, effective techniques to bring you to a place of mindfulness and peace. Classes include deep relaxation and breathing practices.

  52. 12:15 pm--Power Living Australia YogaNeutral Bay1h
    Power Living Australia Yoga
    12:15 pm for 1h at Power Living Australia Yoga (Neutral Bay)

    Power Vinyasa

  53. 12:30 pmMeditationKundalini HouseFitzroy North1h
    { last: 'Hanrahan', first: 'Rachel' }
    12:30 pm Meditation for 1h with Rachel Hanrahan at Kundalini House (Fitzroy North)

    Embodied Meditation casual class

  54. 12:30 pmIyengarCentral Yoga SchoolSurry Hills1h
    { last: 'Hasemer', first: 'James' }
    12:30 pm Iyengar for 1h with James Hasemer at Central Yoga School (Surry Hills)

    Mixed (Level 1/2) Class: for new and regular students, walk-ins accepted.

  55. 1:00 pmHathaLesleigh's Yoga ClassesToowoomba1h 30m
    { last: 'Townsend', first: 'Shannon' }
    1:00 pm Hatha for 1h 30m with Shannon Townsend at Lesleigh's Yoga Classes (Toowoomba)

    Fabulous Class we teach from the Heart!

  56. 1:30 pmChair YogaIronside YogaSt Lucia1h
    { first: 'Suz', last: 'Edwards' }
    1:30 pm Chair Yoga for 1h with Suz Edwards at Ironside Yoga (St Lucia)

    Classical body movements, breathing techniques, pelvic floor exercises, brain yoga, simple ball games to engage eye and hand coordination. No floor work.

  57. 2:05 pmKids-YogaKids Yoga Melbourne - YogaFunMelbourne1h
    Kids Yoga Melbourne - YogaFun
    2:05 pm Kids-Yoga for 1h at Kids Yoga Melbourne - YogaFun (Melbourne)
  58. 3:45 pmKids-YogaKids Yoga Melbourne - YogaFunMelbourne1h
    Kids Yoga Melbourne - YogaFun
    3:45 pm Kids-Yoga for 1h at Kids Yoga Melbourne - YogaFun (Melbourne)
  59. 3:55 pmHathaVictorian Institute of Yoga Education & Teacher TrainingHampton1h
    Victorian Institute of Yoga Education & Teacher Training
    3:55 pm Hatha for 1h at Victorian Institute of Yoga Education & Teacher Training (Hampton)

    Childrens Yoga

  60. 4:00 pmHot YogaHOT YOGA OXENFORD1h
    { first: 'Margaret', last: 'Bretag' }
    4:00 pm Hot Yoga for 1h with Margaret Bretag at HOT YOGA OXENFORD ()

    Align 26 Signature Series

  61. 4:15 pmKids-YogaBody Yoga BerwickBerwick 45m
    { first: 'Anna ', last: 'Berkelmans' }
    4:15 pm Kids-Yoga for 45m with Anna Berkelmans at Body Yoga Berwick (Berwick)

    Kids Yoga 5-11

  62. 4:30 pmGentleAustralian School of Meditation & YogaMermaid Beach1h
    { first: 'Aniko', last: '' }
    4:30 pm Gentle for 1h with Aniko at Australian School of Meditation & Yoga (Mermaid Beach)

    Stretch & Relax - A half and half combo of gentle stretching and sublime relaxation

  63. 4:30 pm--Power Living Australia YogaNeutral Bay1h
    Power Living Australia Yoga
    4:30 pm for 1h at Power Living Australia Yoga (Neutral Bay)

    Power Basics

  64. 4:45 pmVinyasaCanberra Yoga SpacePhillip1h
    { first: 'CYS', last: 'Teachers' }
    4:45 pm Vinyasa for 1h with CYS Teachers at Canberra Yoga Space (Phillip)

    Vinyasa Hatha (Gentle to Moderate)

  65. 5:00 pmYoga TherapyKundalini HouseFitzroy North1h 15m
    { last: 'Atherstone', first: 'Billie' }
    5:00 pm Yoga Therapy for 1h 15m with Billie Atherstone at Kundalini House (Fitzroy North)

    Kundalini Yoga for the Recovery of Childhood Trauma course

  66. 5:00 pmYoga DNA OxenfordOxenford1h
    Yoga DNA Oxenford
    5:00 pm for 1h at Yoga DNA Oxenford (Oxenford)
  67. 5:00 pmTeen YogaBody Yoga BerwickBerwick1h
    { first: 'Anna ', last: 'Berkelmans' }
    5:00 pm Teen Yoga for 1h with Anna Berkelmans at Body Yoga Berwick (Berwick)

    Teen Yoga 11 +

  68. 5:00 pmVinyasaFlo Fenton's Intouch Yoga Byron Bay EventsSuffolk Park1h 30m
    Flo Fenton's Intouch Yoga Byron Bay Events
    5:00 pm Vinyasa for 1h 30m at Flo Fenton's Intouch Yoga Byron Bay Events (Suffolk Park)


  69. 5:00 pmHathaVictorian Institute of Yoga Education & Teacher TrainingHampton1h
    Victorian Institute of Yoga Education & Teacher Training
    5:00 pm Hatha for 1h at Victorian Institute of Yoga Education & Teacher Training (Hampton)

    Teenage Yoga

  70. 5:15 pmHathaBotannix Yoga StudioBotany1h
    { first: 'Cath ', last: 'Pampallis' }
    5:15 pm Hatha for 1h with Cath Pampallis at Botannix Yoga Studio (Botany)
  71. 5:15 pmAshtangayoga studioBondi Junction2h
    yoga studio
    5:15 pm Ashtanga for 2h at yoga studio (Bondi Junction)


  72. 5:30 pmVinyasaDelamay DeviByron Bay1h 30m
    Delamay Devi
    5:30 pm Vinyasa for 1h 30m with Delamay Devi

    STARTING 04/12 at Yoga Peace, Mullumbimby. Each week we will immerse our­selves into move­ment med­i­ta­tions, flow­ing yoga sequences, cre­ative asanas guided pranayama, inten­tion set­ting and more. Using music as a guide and fol­low­ing the rhythm of our heart this weekly class will be a ded­i­ca­tion to cre­at­ing sus­tain­ing path­ways within our yoga prac­tice and within our daily life.

  73. 5:30 pmPilatesHOT YOGA OXENFORD1h
    { first: 'Taylor', last: 'Neiberding' }
    5:30 pm Pilates for 1h with Taylor Neiberding at HOT YOGA OXENFORD ()

    Hot Pilates

  74. 5:30 pmThe Path to Balance Narre Warren South1h
    { first: 'Julia', last: '' }
    5:30 pm for 1h with Julia at The Path to Balance (Narre Warren South)

    One on one session to learn and master the science of yoga practice-asanas, pranayama and yoga nidra

  75. 5:45 pmYogaThe Pure Yoga Wellbeing Centre - Southport StudioSouthport/ gold coast1h
    { last: 'De Morais', first: 'Nubia' }
    5:45 pm Yoga for 1h with Nubia De Morais at The Pure Yoga Wellbeing Centre - Southport Studio (Southport/ gold coast)

    Yoga Stretch Class on Monday evening. We focus in warm up the muscles and work the flexibility with active stretches, holding yoga poses for up to 30 seconds.

  76. 6:00 pmAdvancedYoga in Daily Life - BrisbaneNewstead1h 15m
    Yoga in Daily Life - Brisbane
    6:00 pm Advanced for 1h 15m at Yoga in Daily Life - Brisbane (Newstead)

    A challenging class for those wishing to deepen and strengthen their practice.

  77. 6:00 pmBeginnersYoga in Daily Life - BrisbaneNewstead1h 15m
    Yoga in Daily Life - Brisbane
    6:00 pm Beginners for 1h 15m at Yoga in Daily Life - Brisbane (Newstead)

    Level 2 - Improves flexibility and works strongly on the solar plexus, improving digestion, endurance, immunity and willpower.

  78. 6:00 pmAdvancedYoga in Daily Life MelbourneRichmond1h 30m
    Yoga in Daily Life Melbourne
    6:00 pm Advanced for 1h 30m at Yoga in Daily Life Melbourne (Richmond)

    Richmond - drop in class. Well, not too advanced, but some fun working on these kind of poses. Includes relaxation & meditation.

  79. 6:00 pmPower YogaPower Living Australia YogaNeutral Bay1h 30m
    Power Living Australia Yoga
    6:00 pm Power Yoga for 1h 30m at Power Living Australia Yoga (Neutral Bay)

    Power Vinyasa

  80. 6:00 pmIyengarCentral Yoga SchoolSurry Hills1h 30m
    { first: 'Kathy', last: 'Savage' }
    6:00 pm Iyengar for 1h 30m with Kathy Savage at Central Yoga School (Surry Hills)

    Mixed (Level 1/2) Class: for new and regular students, walk-ins accepted.

  81. 6:00 pmVinyasaLesleigh's Yoga ClassesToowoomba1h 30m
    Lesleigh's Yoga Classes
    6:00 pm Vinyasa for 1h 30m at Lesleigh's Yoga Classes (Toowoomba)

    Bookings Only

  82. 6:00 pmIyengarNeutral Bay Iyengar Yoga CentreNeutral Bay1h 30m
    Neutral Bay Iyengar Yoga Centre
    6:00 pm Iyengar for 1h 30m at Neutral Bay Iyengar Yoga Centre (Neutral Bay)

    Level two

  83. 6:00 pmHathaYogaChiStrathnairn1h 30m
    6:00 pm Hatha for 1h 30m with YogaChi

    This hatha yoga class is taught at the Downer Community Centre.

  84. 6:00 pmIyengarYogavillePreston1h 30m
    6:00 pm Iyengar for 1h 30m at Yogaville (Preston)

    Course Level 1

  85. 6:00 pmZen Central Yoga StudioWest End1h 15m
    { first: 'Deb', last: 'Tokar' }
    6:00 pm for 1h 15m with Deb Tokar at Zen Central Yoga Studio (West End)
  86. 6:00 pmIyengarYoga To Go StudioPetersham1h 30m
    Yoga To Go Studio
    6:00 pm Iyengar for 1h 30m at Yoga To Go Studio (Petersham)

    Experienced - Suitable for those with a minimum of 1 - 2 years consistent practice within the Iyengar Yoga method method

  87. 6:00 pmShadowHatha Yoga DeshaLeichhardt1h 15m
    { first: 'Simone', last: 'Lambert' }
    6:00 pm Shadow for 1h 15m with Simone Lambert at Hatha Yoga Desha (Leichhardt)

    Shadow Yoga Foundations course

  88. 6:00 pmIronside YogaSt Lucia1h
    { first: 'Narelle', last: 'Thomas' }
    6:00 pm for 1h with Narelle Thomas at Ironside Yoga (St Lucia)

    Active yoga suitable for beginners and experienced yoga students. Modifications and props are provided to aid accessibility.

  89. 6:00 pmYoga Spirit StudiosTorrensville1h 15m
    { first: 'Pahtchi (Pat)', last: 'Menezes' }
    6:00 pm for 1h 15m with Pahtchi (Pat) Menezes at Yoga Spirit Studios (Torrensville)
  90. 6:00 pmHathaAustralian School of Meditation & YogaMermaid Beach1h
    { first: 'Amara', last: '' }
    6:00 pm Hatha for 1h with Amara at Australian School of Meditation & Yoga (Mermaid Beach)

    Grounding Hatha - A slower static practice

  91. 6:00 pmBeginnersCanberra Yoga SpacePhillip1h 15m
    { first: 'CYS', last: 'Teachers' }
    6:00 pm Beginners for 1h 15m with CYS Teachers at Canberra Yoga Space (Phillip)

    Class for 6-weeks Beginners Course

  92. 6:15 pmYoga DNA OxenfordOxenford1h
    Yoga DNA Oxenford
    6:15 pm for 1h at Yoga DNA Oxenford (Oxenford)
  93. 6:15 pmHathaMudita Yoga StudioCHELTENHAM1h
    { first: 'Marie', last: 'Mougos' }
    6:15 pm Hatha for 1h with Marie Mougos at Mudita Yoga Studio (CHELTENHAM)

    Hatha is a gentle yoga class without flow between poses. Class will include pranayama, use of hand mudras and a guided meditation at the end.

  94. 6:15 pmHathaSouthern Yoga and Health CentreMoorabbin1h 15m
    { first: 'Christine', last: 'Homer' }
    6:15 pm Hatha for 1h 15m with Christine Homer at Southern Yoga and Health Centre (Moorabbin)

    A slow class that starts with deep relaxation and breathing practices, followed by posture work, then either meditation or philosophy, and deep relaxation.

  95. 6:15 pmGeneralThe Centre of Ki - Barossa ValleyAngaston1h
    The Centre of Ki - Barossa Valley
    6:15 pm General for 1h with The Centre of Ki - Barossa Valley

    Held at Nuriootpa Senior Citizens Hall (next to the Vine Inn)

  96. 6:15 pmYin YogaBody Yoga BerwickBerwick1h 15m
    { first: 'Emma ', last: 'Stembickyi' }
    6:15 pm Yin Yoga for 1h 15m with Emma Stembickyi at Body Yoga Berwick (Berwick)

    Vinyasa - Beginners

  97. 6:30 pm--Repose Yoga in Mount WaverleyMount Waverley1h
    Repose Yoga in Mount Waverley
    6:30 pm for 1h at Repose Yoga in Mount Waverley (Mount Waverley)


  98. 6:30 pmHathaArt of YogaHurlstone Park1h 45m
    Art of Yoga
    6:30 pm Hatha for 1h 45m at Art of Yoga (Hurlstone Park)

    Level 1

  99. 6:30 pmVinyasaRepose Yoga in Mount WaverleyMount Waverley1h
    { last: 'Chauhan', first: 'Puneeta' }
    6:30 pm Vinyasa for 1h with Puneeta Chauhan at Repose Yoga in Mount Waverley (Mount Waverley)

    Like a dance, where one asana seamlessly flows into another. Suitable for intermediate students. Available on Zoom and In-Studio. Duration: 1 hour

  100. 6:30 pmGeneralB Moore Hope Island1h
    B Moore
    6:30 pm General for 1h with B Moore

    Discover more about yourself, be guided through flowing yoga, self discovery techniques, breath work and meditation.