Free Your Hips! A Hip Opening Intensive

Jul22201712:00 am

Map of Potts Point, New South Wales
20 Darlinghurst Road, Potts Point, New South Wales, 2011, Australia
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Saturday, 22 Jul 2017
$55 (early bird) $60 (on the day)


Free Your Hips! with Nadia Stinga Rihani

Sat, 22 Jul 2017 at 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

A workshop with Nadia Rihani

Often considered the ‘spring clean of the body’ hip openers clear out hidden emotions and feelings that are stored in the body. The opening of the hips can have an amazing effect and allow us to find lightness in the body. Open hips contribute to added freedom in the lower back and the backs to the legs, so are an important part of this practice.

Join Nadia Rihani in this intensive focusing on opening these areas of the body to free up your practice!

Saturday July 22nd, 3pm - 5pm


$50 (if paid before July 22)

Free Your Hips!!

Often considered the ‘spring clean of the body’ hip openers clear out hidden emotions and feelings that are stored in the body. The opening of the hips can have an amazing effect and allow us to find lightness in the body. Open hips contribute to added freedom in the lower back and the backs to the legs, so are an important part of this practice.


Join Nadia Rihani in this intensive focusing on opening these areas of the body to free up your practice!

$50 (if paid before July 22)
$60 on the day