Restorative Yoga
Restorative Yoga

Jun24201712:00 am

Map of Fremantle, WA
Fremantle, WA, 6160, Australia
Show map
Saturday, 24 Jun 2017
10.00am - 11.00am
0427 839 402


Therapeutic Restorative Yoga
Saturday June 24th
10.00am - 11.00am
cost: $17

payment can be made via on line bank transfer to: 
Joanne Camponovo
BSB: 306-066
#: 2325703
** please note for cancellations, a refund is forfeited if less than 1 week's notice is given.

bookings essential 
Contact Jo:
ph: 0427839402

Therapeutic yoga combines restorative poses that are soothing and supporting, offering the chance to be still and quiet, leaving us rested, nourished and nurtured. When we relax, we have the opportunity to go deeper without tension or strain , the immune and digestive systems improve, nervous system is calmed, the body and energy channels can open up so that the whole body can receive more goodness and full energy. It is also a wonderful time for emotional healing.
Busy lives can become hectic and we can find ourselves spending most of our time rushing and doing, rather than stilling and resting.
Movements and postures will be soft but challenging. Also, challenging to have a quiet mind with a still body. Once the mind can mirror the pose, inner peace can be take place.