Yoga Grooves
Yoga Grooves

Jul30201712:00 amtoAug27201712:00 am

Map of Fremantle, WA
Fremantle, WA, 6160, Australia
Show map
Sunday, 30 Jul 2017 toSunday, 27 Aug 2017
1.00pm - 2.00pm
0427 839 402


Inversions & hand balancing - Yoga Core
Suitable for all levels.
If you can't make it to the first session of the 6 week course (from July 23rd, you are welcome to join for 5 weeks from Sunday July 30th - August 27th.
time: 1.00pm - 2.00pm
Cost: 5 weeks: $75
Casual rate: $17 per class

To book, contact Jo: 
bookings essential
payment can be made via on line bank transfer to: 
Joanne Camponovo
BSB: 306-066
#: 2325703

**please note, no refund or credit on missed classes. If you're unable to attend for all 5 weeks, you are welcome to join for 4,3 or 2 and the rate will be adjusted for you, just let us know.

join us for a journey of core integration, energy, strength and hand balancing explorations. Work your core, set your foundations for correct alignment and technique for inversions and hand balancing. Suitable for all levels. You don't need to be able to do a handstand to enjoy the classes. Progress at your own pace to your level over the weeks or come casually (if space allows).

The course is about intensity, technique, form and having a go!

Classes combine precise core work and foundations to execute hand balancing and inversions. Some people will work on progressions moving in and out of hand balances to create a dynamic vinyasa flow through these movements but first it’s important to understand the foundations and so preparations towards these balances are essential. By exploring these foundations with dedication, moving with strength, stability and fluidity, we reach an empowered quality of movement that is also fun!