Hanumasana - Yoga Grooves
Hanumasana - Yoga Grooves

May15201812:00 amtoMay29201812:00 am

Map of Fremantle, WA
Fremantle, WA, 6160, Australia
Show map
Tuesday, 15 May 2018 toTuesday, 29 May 2018
6.00pm - 7.00pm
0427 839 402


Flexi Legs - Happy Hips Yoga - 3 weeks
Tuesday evenings from May 15th - May 29th
6.00pm - 7.00pm
Suitable for all levels.

3 weeks: $50 or $45 early bird by April 30th
2 weeks: $35 or $30 early bird by April 30th
casual rate: $18

To book, contact Jo: jo@yogagrooves.com 
bookings essential
payment can be made via on line bank transfer to: 
Joanne Camponovo
BSB: 306-066
#: 2325703

**please note, no refund or credit on missed classes. 

Learn to access your optimal flexibility of the lower body which can have a profound effect on your balance, posture and on your sense of well-being.
Move freely and easily. Prevent injury by working with a blend of active and passive stretching.
We will focus on learning how to relax in a posture and safely improve flexibility in the legs as well as gain stability and strength in the joints and muscles.
We will work with static holds to deepen into a pose as well as dynamic movements to create freedom in the body. These yoga classes can help to lengthen your hamstrings, open your hips, balance hormones, improve flexibility, balance & posture and can also help to increase joint mobility. By releasing the lower spine and working with the legs and hips, you can enjoy the restorative effects on muscles, joints, internal organs, mind…complete health. 
