Asana Foundation Course (AFC)

Feb1620171:00 pmtoApr0220172:00 pm

Map of Chapel Hill, Queensland
21 Tangmere Street, Chapel Hill, Queensland, 4069, Australia
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Thursday, 16 Feb 2017 toSunday, 2 Apr 2017
See the Schedule
What does that include?
0449 804 866



None! All are welcome - whether you are completely new to the practice of Yoga or have been doing it for some time and now you would like to understand yoga techniques and meanings. This course is also suitable for all who would like to deepen the understanding & practice of asana & pranayama.

Who should attend?

Basically anyone & everyone, this is what we believe in. However if you are in any of the following stage in your life, this is the first step for you:

·         You have been practicing the system of yoga but now you would like to understand it systematically step-by-step so that you can deepen your own yoga practice & knowledge to be able apply in daily life; or

·         You have a persisting issue with your body & now you would like to understand from yoga point of view to manage it properly.

This is primarily a skill based course in which you will be able to have the demonstrated ability of the following yoga techniques. There are four modules in this course:

Module 1 Sukhshma Vyayama (Micro Exercises)

This section of the course focuses on our key joints. It is one of the most important groups of practices that has a very profound effect on the human body and mind and is thus a most useful tool for the yogic management of various disorders and maintenance of health.  The course content is divided in two parts:


i. Knowledge of anatomy of our key joints including Toes, Ankles, Knees, Hips, Trunk, Fingers,  Wrists, Elbows,        Shoulders, Neck

ii. Learning the movements of each key joints

B- Skills (practice)

i. Learning to practice a complete yogic sequence to maintain a good health of the joints

Module 2 Surya Namaskar (SN)

2.1 Suryanamaskara (Sun Salutation posture sequence)

 a. Demonstrated ability to perform classical hatha yoga SN

Module 3 Yogasana

3.1 Demonstrated understanding & ability to perform 15 key hatha yoga postures as below:

                     i.     Padangushthanasana & Padahastasana(standing forward bend)

                   ii.     Trikonasana (Triangle)

                 iii.     Parivrttti Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle)

                 iv.     Virbhadrasna (Warrior) I & II

                   v.     Vrkshasana (tree)

                 vi.        Paschimottanasana (sitting forward bend)

               vii.     Vajrasana (thunderbolt) & its variations

             viii.       Ardha Supta Vajrasana (half-sleeping) & variation

                 ix.       Uhtrasana (camel)

                   x.       Bhujangasana (cobra) & variations

                 xi.      Salabhasana (locust)

               xii.     Dhanurasana (bow)

             xiii.     Ardh Supta Eka Pada Padangushthana (half sleeping one leg raised)

             xiv.      Supta Udarkrishasana (abdominal twist)

               xv.      Shavasana (corpse)

3.2 Demonstrated understanding & ability to perform the following Integral Yoga Asana sequence:

  •                    Standing
  •                    Seated & Twisting
  •                    Back bend
  •                    Supine


Included for $200

i. Yoga Mat & Block,
ii. six A4 size customized yoga asana charts, &
iii. A little book of yoga asana.

Schedule / Itinerary

Part-time Mode: Two hours/day/week x 8 wks

Full-time: 4 hrs/day * 5 days

You can start this course any time. The theory part is delivered on one-to-one instructions style. so why wait? If you want to start practicing yoga-asana or have been attending classes for some time, and would like to take the asana practice to anther dimension, then this is the course for you!

Send us an email at or visit our web site at for more details.