Slow down and lose weight

Losing weight is usually associated with strenuous exercise, however, recent studies have found that ‘restorative yoga poses’, in fact, reduce body weight.

Kim Innes, assistant professor at the Study of Complementary and Alternative Therapies at the University of Virginia Health Systems, found that stress relief and feelings of well being fostered by regular yoga practice served to rebalance the nervous system. “It was my personal experience with yoga and the benefits Ifelt, sparked my interest in studying yoga as a disease intervention.” says Innes

How does ‘stress release’ relate to weight loss? “The chronic activation of our ‘flight/fight’ response, may be the root of many so-called modern ills.” says Innes. This stress response is related to ‘metabolic syndrome’ and its interrelated maladies. Abdominal obesity and high cholesterol are just some of these illnesses connected to the body’s metabolism.

In India, yoga is seen as an alternative health strategy. Mr B K S Iyengar in, Light on Yoga, says” the stresses of modern civilisations are a strain on the nerves for which Savasana (relaxation pose) is the best antidote.” In addition, he says, “ancient yogis realised that the cure for disease lay within ourselves. They formulated a therapy which worked on our very natures, to enable the systems of the body to function as effectively and efficiently as possible.”

Innes uncovered 70 studies on the impact of yoga on the disorders of metabolicsyndrome. She gathered convincing evidence that yoga could increase insulin sensitivity and lower cholesterol. More importantly, in studies of body composition and yoga, the yoga practice reduced body weight.

What is “restorative yoga”?Judith Lasater, restorative yoga’s biggest advocate says “its emphasis on supported poses allows the body to enter the deep, restive state it craves.”

Restorative yoga is not lying around being a couch potato, that is dull. The more active yoga poses can be transformed into more passive poses, with the use of props of equipment, such as, chairs, bolsters and blocks and the poses are usually held from 5 to 10 minutes. Typical restorative poses are reclining baddha konasa (cobbler’s pose), vipariti korani (legs up the wall) and setu bandha (reclining chest opener).

So, rush down to the yoga studio and slow down… to slim down.
