Roll & Release: Roll Model® Method Workshop with Virginia Corpus-McDermott

Jun16201812:00 am

Map of Brisbane, QLD
Shri Yoga, 26 Burnett Lane, Brisbane, QLD, 4000, Australia
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Saturday, 16 Jun 2018
$75 until 1 June, $90 after
What does that include?
(07) 3211 3764


Empower yourself and take healing into your own hands!

Join Virginia as she leads you through a 2-hour workshop using full body self-myofascial release techniques with Roll Model® Massage Therapy PLUS balls.

Using the Roll Model® Method, you’ll learn how to relieve muscle aches and pains, improve posture and performance, increase mobility and energy, reduce stress and enhance breathing function. In this workshop, we will also include breath work, elements of alignment, anatomy instruction and body awareness.

This workshop includes the price of a PAIR of Therapy PLUS balls ($30 value), which are yours to keep. These balls are specially designed high grip rubber that penetrate multiple layers of fascia and muscle and rubs out adhesions and tension, providing a deep tissue massage.

All levels welcome. 


About Virginia Corpus-McDermott

(E-RYT 200, RYT 500) 

Having trained directly with Jill Miller, the creator of the Roll Model® Method and Yoga Tune Up Therapy Balls, Virginia is Queensland’s first (and Australia’s second) certified Roll Model® Method Practitioner. Virginia started as a movement educator in the fitness industry 22 years ago and has been an alignment yoga instructor for over a decade. With a love for anatomy, alignment and sequencing, Virginia takes her students into a deeper understanding of poses and movements that are safe and integrated.

As a mother to three small children, professionally-trained chef/owner of Kitchen Vitality Cooking School and an avid CrossFitter, Virginia has learned the value of self-care throughout the years. Her own practice of self-myofascial release using Yoga Tune Up Therapy balls via the Roll Model® Method - along with breathing and conscious relaxation - has been a necessity to manage the occasional niggle, to improve physical performance, and perhaps most importantly, to downregulate the nervous system.

Virginia is excited to share the Roll Model® Method self-care fitness format with you, giving you the tools and techniques to connect to your best self.

Included for $75 until 1 June, $90 after

2 hour workshop
Pair of Therapy Plus Balls ($30 value)