Yin Yoga

Jun30201212:00 am

Map of Heathmont, VIC
136 Canterbury Road, Level 1, Heathmont, VIC, 3135, Australia
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Saturday, 30 Jun 2012
What does that include?
03 9720 5853



Nothing prepares your body for hours of seated meditation as well as a regular yin yoga practice. Most of us yogis for many years experience the challenging sensations and discomfort to our creaky knees, sore backs, and aching hips that can accompany long hours of a seated quiet practice.

What is Yin Yoga?

Yin yoga is the opposite to the heating strong practises of Vinyasa asana that we practice here in the west that are thought to be yang in nature. Yin yoga are practices that focus on passive stretching of the connective tissue of the body (ligaments, tendons and myofascia), and cooling quiet practices for our nervous system such as pranayama, Yoga Nidra and meditation.
Yin Yoga approach works to promote flexibility in areas often perceived as non-malleable, especially the hips, pelvis, and lower spine with the emphasis on releasing muscles and joints as opposed to contracting skeletal muscle to stabilise our joints.

Yin Yoga Workshop Includes:

· Introduction to the Tao of Yoga

· Yin verses Yang yoga practises and the benefit of both

· Introduction to acupuncture meridians and the energetic of yin yoga

· Introduction to connective tissue verses skeletal muscle and why including a yin practice into our routine
  can help us move deeper into our yang asana practice

· Increase body awareness

· Yin yoga class including asana, pranayama, meditation




Included for $70


Investment: $70 (concession $55)

Deposit $20 on day of booking to secure your spot. Full payment due on 23.06.12.

We except cash at the studio but you can also pay into the HappyBeing bank account (please as for details)