40 Day Revolution

Feb17201412:00 amtoMar28201412:00 am

Map of Rozelle, NSW
711 Darling St, Rozelle, NSW, 2039, Australia
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Monday, 17 Feb 2014 toFriday, 28 Mar 2014
What does that include?
(02) 9810 3146


The Revolution Weekly Program

5 Studio Classes

1 Home Practice

Twice Daily meditations

Nourishing & Cleansing Diet (optional fast week 4)

Personal Exploration

1 day of complete rest

The Process

Strengthen, cleanse and nourish your body with regular yoga practices and energising foods. Revitalising your physical body will naturally lead to a new awakening of your mind. Meditation will calm and focus this new energy, empowering you to clear negative patterns and to pave the way for you to create and achieve your life’s dreams. This program is about Living Yoga, in the city, and in the modern world. Make a commitment to yourself and evolve!

Workshop Support

The 40-Day Revolution is supported by different workshops which are designed to make this a transformational process. These cover the three main pillars of the revolution and include Basic and Advanced Asana, Yin Yoga, Meditation and Nutrition. All workshops are included in the price of the revolution.

Further Information

At Egg Of The Universe we truly believe that committing to an intensive period of yoga and meditation practice once or twice a year gives you the greatest opportunity to experience yoga’s ultimate gifts. The 40-Day Revolution, as inspired by Baron Baptiste, and combined with our supporting workshops, is a potent transformational program for all levels of students. We invite you to join us for this life-changing journey!

“Many of us are searching without knowing exactly what we are looking for. Some of us go on a diet to lose weight and try all kinds of programs and workshops to make ourselves feel better, or perhaps we throw ourselves into our work and seek wealth and status to fill the void, but underneath an emotional emptiness remains. No matter how much we try to gloss over that yearning with temporary fixes, it is still there, whispering the truth: that what we need isn’t another quick fix, but rather a rebirth – a whole life revolution.”

40 Days to Personal Revolution, Baron Baptiste

Included for $349/$299

$349.00 Full Package
$299.00 Full Package concession

$179.00 Upgrade (full members)
$129.00 Upgrade concession (full members)