Feb14202012:00 amtoFeb18202012:00 am

Map of Eungella, New South Wales
Krishna Village, 525 Tyalgum Road, Eungella, New South Wales, 2484, Australia
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Friday, 14 Feb 2020 toTuesday, 18 Feb 2020
AU $750 - AU $1270
What does that include?
02 6672 7876


The wisdom of Ayurveda, applied to women’s healing and health

Are you tired of running on ‘empty’, trying to balance daily commitments to family and career, always putting yourself last? Living the paradox of most modern women, who seem to have it all and yet are too exhausted to feel joyous and radiant? Do you crave a nurturing space of loving self care? The chance to delve into the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda while holding and sharing a uniquely feminine experience with a group of newly found sisters? Then this Ayurveda Sadhana Weekend might be just the ‘you time’ you need!

~Make vibrant and abundant health a part of your daily life again - Ayurveda has so much to offer women. It can be used to prevent disease and resolve issues such as hormonal imbalance, low energy, anxiety, poor sleep, changes in life cycles and so much more.

~On this special 4-day-retreat, seasoned teacher Katie Manitsas will create a sacred space of trust, self care and holistic nourishment. This transformative training will give you the tools to bring your life back into balance and experience healing through inner medicine. Return home feeling replenished, joyful and abundant!

~Women of all ages, experience and health levels are welcome. This training is also great for yoga teachers who would like to gain a deeper understanding of Ayurveda and use it in their yoga classes.


This training is presented in the format of a combination of lectures, demonstration, practices (such as gentle yoga and breathing exercises as well as chanting) and group interactive work.

Modules include:

  • Kitchen sadhana and your food habits (Please note this is not a cooking course. We offer a separate Ayurvedic cooking course at Krishna Village)
  • Pranayama
  • Five elements and three doshas
  • Daily rituals and cleansing techniques for health (dinacharya kriyas)
  • Women’s menstrual health, reawakening the moon cycles
  • Healing herbs, oils and teas
  • The six seasons according to Ayurveda and links to Indigenous Australian (Aboriginal) calendars and understanding of the Australian seasonal cycles.
  • Vibrational medicine in Ayurveda (flower remedies and herbs)
  • Treatments for specific women’s conditions such present as postnatal recovery, pregnancy, menstruation and menopause
  • Ojas (immunity), Agni (digestive fire) and Ama (detoxification)
  • Chakra balancing
  • Chanting, mantras for specific uses, and developing our meditation practice
  • Peace mandala flower ritual


Please note: This training is not a fully accredited Ayurveda certification course. Certain modules can be used towards CPD points with Yoga Australia and Yoga Alliance.

Included for AU $750 - AU $1270

The rates for the course (listed below) include:
- 4 day retreat/training
- 4 nights accommodation
- Course workbook
- 3 delicious vegetarian meals/day
- Daily yoga classes (optional)

- Camping: AU$1050 (early bird rate: AU$950)
- Double / twin share: AU$1190 (early bird rate: AU$1090)
- Single room: AU$1270 (early bird rate: AU$1170)
- Without accommodation: AU$850 (early bird rate: AU$750)

Early bird rate until 28 December 2018

Schedule / Itinerary

Example day

5:00am - Sunrise Yoga (optional)

8:30am - Breakfast

9:30am - Daily rituals and cleansing techniques for health (dinacharya kriyas) – lecture and practical

12:30pm - Lunch

14:00pm - Compress therapy (make and use herbal compresses on each other as part of a therapeutic sadhana which energises kidneys, bladder and reproductive systems)

18:00pm - Dinner

21:00pm - Quiet time