Yoga Retreats 2013!

We have set our Yoga Retreats dates for 2013, and want to give you all the heads up, as all our retreats were fully booked this year!

As you know, Yoga Retreats and are a great chance to recharge, rejuvenate and give some precious time to your self! 

Weekend Escape Yoga Retreats 2013 at Springrbook:

- March 15- 17 (2 day). The next Retreat on March 15-17 has a special early bird price $385 if paid before February 1.

- June 7-10 (3 day long weekend- Monday public holiday)

- October 4-7 ( 3 day long weekend Monday public holiday)"

The next Retreat on March 15-17 has a special early bird price $385 if paid before February 1.

For more details visit our website or If you would like to put your name down for a retreat just reply to this email and I will put you on the list and send you a registration form.