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Zen Central Yoga Studio

Zen Central has been the home of Oki-do Yoga in Brisbane since 2002. Oki-do is a dynamic, holistic yoga unifying aspects of Indian Yoga, Chinese Taoism and Japanese Zen.

West End, QLD

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Justine Reilly

Justine Reilly

Justine is a certified teacher of Awareness Through Movement® lessons, a central practice in the Feldenkrais Method. Part of the Zen Central community since 2004, Justine is delighted to bring this embodied learning practice to a space that has greatly enriched her own learning. Justine is almost three years through a four-year Feldenkrais Professional Training Program based in Brisbane.

She finds the Method offers freedom of movement, a greater sense of equilibrium, a clearer understanding of self, and endless new experiences. Put simply, the Feldenkrais Method offers the opportunity to explore the pleasure of movement, and it invites our attention to be ever-increasingly global.

“I find each session I have with Justine an absorbing, engaging and calming experience. During a teaching I learn something new about how my movements are put together, and have a sense of the thoughts and impulses becoming physical in my body. I love it when this method and my new awareness allow me to make more flowing and connected movements.” – Kelly Purnell, 26, Brisbane

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