Meditation and Life Strategies for Sensitive Souls with Alison Potts

Sep15201812:00 am

Map of Brisbane City, Queensland
26 Burnett Lane, Brisbane City, Queensland, 4000, Australia
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Saturday, 15 Sep 2018
07 32113764


Do you find yourself taking on other peoples' stress or pain and adapting or modifying your behaviour as a result? Are you highly sensitive to other peoples' energy? Do you carry "hangover feelings" after experiences of conflict, distress or sensory overload? If so, you might be an empath. There are many strategies and meditation practices that can help you to feel safer, stronger, and more resilient without sacrificing your integrity, allowing you to embrace and nurture your sensitivity, rather than shy away from it.



In this workshop sensitive souls will learn practices and strategies for:

  • Keeping your personal space private while still being yourself
  • Holding steady when you feel disrupted or disturbed
  • Shielding, protecting and nurturing your psychic space
  • Inhibiting the trespassing of others and their stuff into your energy field
  • Knowing the vital distinction between what's yours and what belongs to others
  • Being able to help without sacrificing your mental and emotional well being
  • Keeping an open heart while remaining stable, grounded and safe
  • Staying whole and happy no matter who or what comes your way


About Alison Potts:

As a coach and meditation teacher who works in the healing and energy arena, and born an empath and intuitive, Alison has been been developing practices for psychic and energy protection all her life. A large section of her client base are empaths and sensitives looking for help with the issue of absorbing other peoples' energy. This is vital knowledge and practice to have as now more than ever we need sensitive people in the world, and we need them whole. Alison has a passion for passing on this vital knowledge and experience and teaching truly effective, powerful techniques.

Schedule / Itinerary
