Ashtanga Vinyasa Flow & GYROKINESIS®

Sep0420152:00 pmtoSep1120152:00 pm

Map of Koh Samui, Surat Thani
5555/20-24 Moo 4, Tambon Namuang, Koh Samui, Surat Thani, 84140, Thailand
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Friday, 4 Sep 2015 toFriday, 11 Sep 2015
40,320.00 THB
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Ashtanga Vinyasa Flow & GYROKINESIS®
September 5 – 12, 2015
With Heidi Chen
About the Private Retreat
Morning Session: Ashtanga Vinyasa Flow

Explore the energy and emotions that flow in between every breath. Observe how they thread their ways through inner / outer spiral movements.


Develop a mindful flow practice through alignment and breathing

Introduce key points to alignment / breathing / drishti
並仔細介紹動作的順位技巧 、呼吸、凝視點的重要性。

Understand how asana practice is intertwined with the physical body, the mind, and the breaths.

Learn to practice with unconditional love and compassion.

Afternoon Session: Applying GYROKINESIS® To Practice, Yoga Sutras and Meditation

Develop even keener awareness in every movement, especially the spine.增加對脊椎的活動度
Learn various ways to increase both physical and mental sensitivity.

Stretch better with further observations on subtleties.
以不同的方式來喚醒對身體的感受並細膩的動作中提升身體與心的敏感度 。


A severe injury put Juliu Horvath’s ballet career to an end, but inspired him to develop a healing system rooted in Pilates, dancing, yoga, swimming and Qigong. This system focuses specifically on core strength and spinal motions such as bending, rotating and circling. By integrating pelvic and spinal strength, practitioners are able to increase joint mobility through rhythmic spiraling movements. Suitable for all age groups, his methodology is now adopted by many physical therapists over the world.

Juliu Horvath是這套系統的創使者。在一次的受傷後無法再繼續他的芭蕾生涯,之所以他結合皮拉提斯、舞蹈、瑜珈、游泳、中國氣功來訓練及復健他的身體 ,以迴旋運動的動作加上流暢的節奏,除強調脊椎的各種動作外(前彎、後仰、左右側彎、左右旋轉及360度繞圈旋轉),也強調核心肌群,讓骨盆及脊椎力量結合在一起,透過流暢的動作增加邊關節活動度, 是一套適合各種族群的運動,加上許多國內、外的物理治療師大力推薦下,讓更多的人可以安心的練習 並且達到復健的效果。

NOTE: this workshop will be taught mainly in Chinese and partly in English.


About the Teacher
Giving Back
Just like her own practice, Heidi’s teaching is about yoga both on and off the mat. Seeing breathing and alignment as purifications, she hopes to nourish students with a more refined yoga practice, through which their lives will glow along with their physical bodies. It is then students will realize that yoga is life itself.

Her personal practice is centered on the legacy of yoga traditions. While seeking wisdom in Buddhism, she is also a diligent student in anatomy. Her analytical eyes acquired throughout her exploration in Pilates since 2005 allow her to teach and evaluate students with accuracy, helping them to deepen their practice accordingly.

After years of practice, she began studying with Richard Freeman, her guru and major inspiration in life. Since then, she has been consistently learning closely with Richard, completing various intensive teacher trainings and advanced workshops. Her passion is also manifested in her dedication to studying Sanskrit and ancient texts.

While she is meticulous in terms of alignment and logical sequencing, her class is often flexible, energized by interesting metaphors, and questions worth pondering. She believes not turning students into something ‘good’, but providing an environment in which they can explore and expand awareness on their own. After all, it is our own reflections and motivations that can guide us to truth, wisdom, and most of all, joy.

「人都習慣性的往外追求,卻看不見近處的真,像真理在眼球前。」Heidi 教我們用瑜珈的角度,更有覺知的看世界。「呼吸是淨化,順位是淨化,淨化之後的練習,使身體發出光亮。」Heidi 教我們瑜珈是用課堂以外的 23 小時去預備,為練習預備也為生活預備,甚或生命。

Heidi 個人的練習以傳統瑜珈傳統精神為練習核心,加上嚴謹的順位要求,更從佛教智慧中領悟,在2005年開始深入Pilates 的教學及練習,因Pilates要求嚴謹而細膩的觀察及判斷能力並要求在解剖學上有一定有深入的研讀,這渾厚的經驗也轉移在瑜珈教學中,可以銳利的判斷出學生的身體問題與潛能,幫助他們。

在瑜珈練習多年後,在2008年遇見上師 Richard Freeman。多次的完成了Richard Freeman month long intensive 師資訓練及進階密集研習課。至今始終頻繁及近身學習,我們也在她的教學上看到其真實的體現,也投身進入梵文及瑜珈經典的學習並致力實踐在墊子內外的平衡。瑜珈即是生活 、生活即是瑜珈練習 。

Heidi教學的風格除了精準的順位 、邏輯性的安排動作流程,課堂中以充滿想像力的比喻及開放式的學習,不給框架式的答案。相信身為一位瑜珈老師並不是將學生變成你心中的模式,是給予學生空間與時間來找到覺知及動力,幫助學生來內省找尋智慧及真實的喜悅

Included for 40,320.00 THB

Prices and Booking (THB)

Single Room: 48,720 per person
Semi Private Room (shared bathroom): 44,520 per person
Share Two-Bedroom Loft (shared bathroom): 40,320 per person
Prices include accommodation, buffet meals, retreat program, and full use of our facilities.

To book this retreat, please contact Heidi directly:

Schedule / Itinerary

The Daily Schedule
6:30 am – 7:30 am Light Breakfast Available
7:30 am – 9:30 am Ashtanga Vinyasa Flow Practice
10:00 am – 1:00 pm Buffet Brunch
3:00 pm- 3:30 pm Snack and Refreshment
4:00 pm- 6:00 pm GYROKINESIS®; Yoga Sutras; Meditation
6:00 pm- 8:00 pm Buffet Dinner
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Steam Room available

To book this retreat, please contact Heidi directly: