Chrystal Warr / Sheoak Yoga Esperance

Chrystal Warr / Sheoak Yoga Esperance

Joined on Jun 2, 2024

About Chrystal

Studio Owner/ Yoga Teacher

Sheoak Yoga Esperance Western Australia

Mother of two and wife to Tim Warr, Chrystal was inspired to study yoga to firstly teach children as a means of reducing the bullying and low self confidence issues growing prominent amongst children. From her own experience as a mother she could see how children could benefit from learning yoga. Not only was it important for her to teach children but it was also important for her to teach a yoga class that the whole family could participate in as a form of healing and bonding and allowing children to reconnect with their parents and/or grandparents in a fun and loving way.

She also enjoys teaching adults and believes that with today’s modern’s society and added pressures, stress can cause many preventable illnesses. She believes that paying attention to mental health and wellbeing is important to ensure happier and more fulfilling quality of life. In her yoga classes she aims to ensure that each yogi leaves feeling completely relaxed and refreshed.

Chrystal has successfully completed her 500hr Hatha Yoga Teacher’s Diploma with Aura Wellness Centre and has also trained with the ever popular Rainbow Kids Yoga, qualifying as a Kids and Family Yoga Teacher. She has been happily teaching Yoga in Esperance since July 2013.

Chrystal’s background of studies also includes a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health, Reiki Master, Theta Healer and Swedish Masseur. With her spare time, when not practicing yoga, Chrystal enjoys growing her own vegies, painting and exploring the Esperance beaches. She is currently also taking up surf lessons and hopes to be able to combined her practice of yoga and surfing on the many beautiful beaches in Esperance. Along with all this she is also an aspiring writer and aims to release her first book by the end of 2015.