Bronwyn Rust

Bronwyn Rust

Joined on Jun 1, 2024

Bronwyn is the founder & owner of Yogaville. She is an Intermediate Junior Level 2 certified Iyengar Yoga teacher with over 10 years teaching experience and more than 18 years of practice. She is particularly drawn to the stillness, clarity and overall wellbeing yoga brings to everyday life. She believes that no matter where we are in our lives, yoga always has something to offer us. Yoga helps us to learn who we really are and become the best version of ourselves we can possibly be. In the Iyengar method, the use of asana and pranayama as vehicles to study ourselves, is particularly appealing to Bron. One of the other things she loves most about Yoga is it’s ever evolving nature & that there is no end! Originally beginning yoga as a teenager, Bron finds her daily practice gives her both energy and balance. She has studied in Pune, India directly with the Iyengar family and in the past chaired the Events Committee for the BKS Iyengar Association of Australia (BKSIYAA) helping to organise Geeta Iyengar’s week long live in retreat in 2009.

She finds inspiration for her teaching from day to day life. Bronwyn also has a keen interest in music having worked for many years with an independent record label, and is a dedicated sports fan having trained as a Level 1 sports trainer with Sports Medicine Australia. She is a local resident of Melbourne's inner North for over 25 years.

Yogaville cover image

Studio in Preston, VIC

Quality Iyengar yoga teaching in a friendly supportive environment