Tracy Whitton

Tracy Whitton

Joined on Jun 2, 2024

Tracy Whitton is the founder of STM Stillness through Movement and a practitioner of restorative yoga, mind and breath awareness, meditation and sound awareness.

She has had a love and devotion of Spiritual, Meditative and Yoga practices for over 20yrs. Tracy took on formal study and practise of Meditation since 2003 with firstly Ramesh S.Balsekar, then Spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle, the Kadampa Meditation Australia- lineage of Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, Buddhist Nun Pema Chodron. They have all influenced and guided her own practise and teaching to what it is today. It was the blessing of these teachings that opened Tracy to her true nature.

It was 10 years ago after attending a week long silent retreat, that it became clear the path she would take to help others, that was the teaching of awareness of mind. It was then that she started classes in the teaching of meditation and awareness of the mind. One aspect of her meditation is the Flute meditation; she has always had a love for the North American Indian flute since she was young. In the last 8 years she began to play the flute in an intuitive way and quickly began to see benefits of peace and harmony within herself and her clients. The flute and chimes form the basis of her sound meditation.

In 2006 Tracy underwent a powerful transition that led her deeper into mind and breath awareness, which also affected her music, meditation and yoga. The changes were so profound that life as it was could no longer be the same, as a deeper awareness arrived. This is where Restorative Yoga was born in the way Tracy calls ‘Stillness through Movement’.

Stillness through movement is a process where one learns to align with their true nature- consciousness/intelligence. Through Breath and Mind Awareness one is able to let go deeply allowing themselves to receive the benefits of the restorative pose, bringing the body/mind back to its natural state of peace and equanimity. Tracy says,’Practising in this way we begin to align with the ease of life, without this awareness one lives in a permanent state of resistance and unease’.

In 2007 Tracy began more formal studies of yoga training with my health yoga school and graduated in August 2008. Tracy learnt from other teachers that have greatly influenced her own practise and the way she teaches and they are; Judith Hanson Lasater, Mark Togni, Cameron Storey and Kathy Mason. She has studied the teachings of BKS Iyengar and for the past 5 years has studied the restorative asana practise through Judith Hanson Lasater.

Tracy facilitates workshops, retreats, seminars, and guest speaking in different locations on the Gold Coast. She teaches Restorative classes and Private Meditation sessions at two of the leading retreats in Australia ‘The Golden Door’ and ‘Gwinganna’. Tracy is the founder of Stillness through Movement and Balanced Birthing. She runs teacher training and traineeships on the Gold Coast, Australia.

She has produced two Cd’s, 2 Books- STM- Restorative Yoga for Stress related Conditions, The Four Pillars of Stillness and a Meditation Journal. Cds- One with Life ‘Meditation and Pranayama Made Easy’ and Sounds from the Heart.

Her practice of STM has been referenced in-

Rushing Womens Syndrome- Dr Libby,

Beauty from the inside out– Dr Libby,

Exhausted to Energised– Dr Libby,

Menopause- Sam Beau Patrick,

Tracy Whitton cover image

Studio in Burleigh, Queensland

Stillness through Movement