Beth Borowsky

Beth Borowsky

Joined on Jun 18, 2024

Beth’s love for movement and dance began at 5 years old when she enrolled in her first ballet class. Dancing throughout her school years, it was only a matter of time before she began her yoga journey. She has been practising yoga for over 30 years.

With over 1000 hours of teacher training, and heading into her twelfth year of teaching, Beth's classes are Forrest Yoga inspired, intelligently sequenced to ensure that you move at a slower pace, giving time for your muscles to heat, energy to build and an opportunity to delve deeper within, both physically and emotionally, and so discover the true medicine that is yoga.

Beth’s classes invite you into Yoga Ceremony, reminding you to honour your body – its strengths and weaknesses - to prevent injury and build stamina, balance and inner calm. You'll be encouraged to synchronise your breath with movement, and to cultivate a moving meditation creating a delicious synchronicity between body, mind, spirit and soul. She’ll encourage you to practice with a relaxed neck, to cultivate deeper intelligence and communication between your brain and body, and to let go of habitual tension. Her hope is that the wisdom you gather on the mat allows you to Walk in Beauty and With Love.

Beth is a yoga teacher trainer and also offers Kids Yoga Teacher Training. She, and her team of amazing teachers at KarmaKidsYoga, are committed to bringing kids yoga to into every childcare centre in NSW… and perhaps Australia! Beth honours her teachers, past and present, Ana Forrest, Jmabo Truong, Sinhee McCabe, Twee Merrigan, Nicole Walsh, Mark Breadner, Sindar Kaur, Lorin Roche, Sarah Powers and Jodi Komitor (to name a few) for their inspiration and wisdom and brings this with her into the classes, workshops and Retreats she run successfully both in Australia and overseas.